Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Hiking & Relaxing on Super Bowl Weekend

It was Super Bowl weekend, but since the Trumpers (New England) were in the big game I had little interest in the contest. So, how to spend the weekend? At the Cabin... hiking, working & relaxing.
My Dad, Bax and I went over on Saturday and for the first time in quite a while in Southwest Virginia it was dry and with it my wood pile was too. So, on Friday evening I got to relax first watching birds and then by the fire pit.

Sunday morning I took Bax out for a hike up over Russell and Robert Knobs, he enjoyed it. Dad and I took down the old grape arbor damaged from the December snow. After making some food for the game, including grilled hot chicken wings it was fire pitting time. I did glance at the game through the window, but I also watched the stars too.

On Monday morning, I again took Bax out for another hike. It was a frosty one to start. I cleared the road of some December blowdown and we explored some old roads. We both enjoyed the hike. While the game sucked my weekend didn't.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures, and you are right... I don't think I even turn the game on - lol
