Saturday, March 31, 2018

Camp Creek Bald & Baxter Cliffs Two New Reasons To Day Hike From Jones Meadow

Since I had a change in plans today I decided to hike and I headed up to one of my favorite spots...Jones Meadow and Camp Creek Bald.
While I will write a more on this soon, today's outing was half exploratory hikes as I was looking for two new sets of cliffs. The first was easy to find just off the road, just under Camp Creek Bald. That is why until I here different I am calling these the Camp Creek Bald Cliffs. The next set, which is off the Jerry Miller Trail, I looked for in May of 2016 and while unsuccessful then I did find Baxter Cliffs today. Both of these had wonderful vistas. In-between these I hit my old favorites of Big Firescald Knob, Jones Meadow, the Valhalla Cliff and view, White Rock and Blackstack Cliffs. The eight miles of hiking was on four trails, mostly of that on the AT (Appalachian Trail). Overall, it was a wonderful day of great views.


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