Monday, March 20, 2023

The Hiking Machine Is Back In The Saddle Again!

Finally! The Hiking Machine is back in the saddle and back on a trail! While it was just a trail over at the Cabin, I will f***ing take it! I know all the Peteoholics are having withdrawals from not reading of my exploits. Well, there is a reason I haven't had none! If you have seen the posts and blogs from the blockhead known as the Lummox, you will know that the idiot caught COVID from a bunch of mouthbreathers! Now, besides the fact I continue to mask (yes, I have questioned the Lummox about his masking habits), my constitution is just too strong for the virus to take hold, unlike the weak and puny Lummox. So, I have been on the sidelines chomping at the bit while that wuss recovered. Finally, this past week, we finally got out in "Fort Blackmore" and I finally could get some trail time in. I wanted to go up my Knob, but the Lummox was too weak. If I had let him, we would have just gone to the barn and back. So, we compromised on the Superloop, but the hard direction (down the road and back). While I was fine shredding trail and crushing the miles the Lummox, predictably, the Lummox struggled. I thought I would lose him at the other barn, and we still had the big climb. Let's just say I had a sore back. We got a break when we got to the top of (Wood Booger) Ridge as he wanted to run the drone. If it gets him out on the trail then I'm fine with the damn thing. It also made my trip back easier because the Lummox wasn't all the dead weight after the break. 

After we got back, he relaxed by the fire, and I thought about my next outings. Oh, I forgot there were some guys putting in fiber optic or something like that. The Lummox asked about the internet, and I was like, "HELL NO, I will never get him on the trail." Well with that there is one more thing...wait for it...I'm out BITCHES!!!

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