Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Another Special Wood Booger Top 5: Favorite Xmas Specials

Since I just did a Wood Booger Top 5 on my favorite Holiday Movies I decided to do one on specials or specifically animated ones. As one can see from the list I have a preference for stop-motion animation which was popular in the 1960s and '70s. So here is the list...enjoy.

Honorable Mention #1: Frosty the Snowman - Jimmy Duranty narrators this regular animated classic about a snowman who comes to life.

Honorable Mention #2: Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July - This is and isn't a Christmas special, but I love it anyway. It is stop-motion animation and features Billie Richards as the voice of Rudolph (as all specials) and Jackie Vernon as Frosty, who voiced the cartoon.

Number 5: How the Grinch Stole Christmas - Yes, this Dr. Suess story is fifth again. Boris Karloff (who played Frankstien and other monsters) voices the Grinch, one of Christmas most iconic characters in this timeless classic.

Number 4: Santa Claus is Coming to Town - Another stop-motion favorite is one I loved as a kid and still do.

Number 3: A Charlie Brown Christmas - Nothing says Christmas like this Charles Schultz special. While I like the Halloween special better, I still love this one. Oh, and you have to love the Christmas tree...

Number 2: The Year Without A Santa Claus - While as not as famous as some on this list, I just love it! Mickey Rooney voices a tried Santa who wants a vacation and Shirley Booth as Mrs. C who works to give him a break. However this special is known for introducing the world to Heat and Snow Miser... fantastic!

Number 1: Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer - While close there was no doubt this would be number one, nothing says Christmas like this special. I have seen this every year since I can remember. This has so many great characters, besides Rudolph,  like the want-to-be Dentist Hermie, Yukon Cornelius, the Abominable Snow Monster, and a cranky Santa. Oh, and the Island of Misfit Toys plus the Burl Ives Snowman...wonderful!

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