Thursday, March 7, 2019

Spring Means The End Of Maple Syrup Season

It is early March and that means the arrival of Spring, but also another annual tradition... cooking Maple Syrup. This is my fourth year of taking Maple Sap and boiling it down to Maple Syrup. It is a long, long process all day in fact. 

I did try something new this year. I used the probable cooktop and heated up the sap I added to my pot, so it wouldn't bring down the temperature of what I was boiling. As always fire is the main heat source for the boiling. Because of this, you have to sit by the fire most of the time to feed it. Like I said a long process.

Unlike last year when I cracked Black Walnuts while I waited, this year I boiled peanuts. I also did a lot of bird watching. In the final half hour I moved the syrup off the fire on the hot plate to finish up it took just under seven hours to get half a pint. A lot of work for a sweet reward.

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