Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mower Problems Take A Backseat To Buddy Bear

It was back to the Cabin to start the week and two things remain consistent. Mower problems and bears.
Let's talk about the most important thing bears... specifically Buddy. I have before said, from photo evidence, that we have more than one bear around the Cabin. The one that tears down the feeders is not Buddy, but a bigger bear. However, the bear I got on the trail cam this time is smaller and is most likely Buddy.

However, on closer inspection of the one daytime photo, I saw something disturbing. He seems skinny and something was wrong with his fur. I thought of mange, but I wasn't sure black bears got it...well I was wrong, they do!

So, now I am going to see if I can help Buddy, but keep him wild. So, I am going to look into contacting people to see if he can be helped. Besides Buddy, I also got photos of deer.
However, what occupied most of my time was mower problems. This is nothing new because before I started I had to put the transmission drive belt, but I didn't it would be the last time. Because the next time I had to mess with the drive belt was pulling it out as it was shredded, with about 3/4 of the yard done. 

Anyway, I decided to work on it on Monday as the old Craftsman mower was in the barn and I thought I would just pull it off. I got it off, it looked good so I just had to put it on...but the belt didn't fit, it was too big! So, after some colorful words, I decided to go to Gate City to maybe get a belt that would fit. I downloaded a manual for the mower hoping it would have belt size...well it didn't, just a part number. So, I guessed and guess what it didn't fit, too short this time. After that, I threw in the towel built a fire and cook "shovel lamb."

On my way home Tuesday I stopped to take the belt back and wouldn't you know I found the size when I looked real quick on the phone...we will see if it works next week. Because of all of this no time for hiking... again next week.

1 comment:

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