Sunday, October 25, 2020

Special Dumb A** Edition Of Down The Rabbit Hole

Here is a special report from I was supposed to be camping today & hiking tomorrow, but trust the Lummox to live up to his name. The dumb ass slipped taking stuff to the car and hurt his back and said ass. I mean how hard is it to navigate stairs. I know he will say that it had rained and they get slick, but is that really an excuse. I have never slipped on them, but I am a Hiking Machine and not a Lummox. So, as he sits and rests his skinned up back and bruised ass I am just here twiddling my paws. Oh, what is a Hiking Machine to do. Well, I am know the rest!

Not here camping...

...or here at Beauty Spot

...or Unaka Mountain!

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