Sunday, July 11, 2021

Much Needed High Summer Escape To The Cabin

There are times I need to go to the Cabin for some woods time. This was one of them because I received bad news about an old friend (I might write something later), so heading to Fort Blackmore Thursday was welcome even with having to mow. 


Mowing was just one of the missions, the other was Dad wanted to fix the tire on the tractor he flattened and had someone come over to fix it. Speaking of tires I had problems with the ones on the mower which delayed me until Friday. Then I awoke Friday morning to rain which put off my Superloop hike and delayed my mowing start until noon. However, I got done. 

Tires & rain delayed mowing

Anyway, when I got to the Cabin I noticed we had been visited by the bear. I think this bear is Bernie and why I believe this? I first saw him in 2016 and he had been around for at least two or three years. So, that would make him at least seven and account for the size of the bear I saw last year and how he pulls down feeders, moved a big rock and where he scratched the sap output of a tree.

Bernie in 2020

Bear sign...that is where he reached, scat in the yard, a peach tree limb broke & he moved that rock

I did finally get to hike as I did the Superloop which clocks in at four miles. While I have done it a few times this was my first time since last year. At the start of the hike, near the barn, I found fresh bear scat. On the way I saw wildflowers and even scarred up a turkey, it was nice and trust me needed.

Fresh scat besides the barn

Clockwise: Fringed-leaf Ruellia, Broadleaf Milkweed, Oxeye Daisy & Daisy Fleabane

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