Friday, November 10, 2017

Break The Walls Down! Two-Day Backpack In The Walls Of Jericho

This past weekend I headed out on another of Will's Sierra Club Backpacks, this time to a place that was new for a couple of reasons...the Walls of Jericho. The first, I had read about this place, as Dave Crockett hunted this area, but I had never been here. The other while the starting point for our hike is Tennesse., the Walls themselves are in Alabama and it would be the first time hiking in that state.



One of the good things was I didn't have to drive all the way myself, I got to ride with Will's SUV. The quickest way to the trailhead in Tennessee was through three states. Drive down to Chattanooga hit I-24 into Georgia then back into Tennessee than into Alabama and back up to the Volunteer State. There ended up being only six of us so we only needed two cars for the trip. On the way it was foggy and we passed cotton fields and the Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant. 


...& fall colors.

It cleared up later.

High cotton.

Feel the glow.

With it being a shuttle hike we were leaving one car at the start in Tennessee and one at the Alabama Trailhead. There were only two miles between cars, which was good as I left my glasses, it would just be the first of my klutziness over two days. 

The drive to the trailhead...

...featured plenty of...

...fall colors.

At the Tennessee Trailhead.

The first part of the hike wasn't too bad with "the Hike Leader" setting the pace. But then the trail got rocky & slick. One of the causalities of this section was one of Will's hiking sticks. Another issue was the "official" map for the Walls of Jericho to be sucked! The map did match the blazes on the trail. The only thing of any worth on the map was the direction as we used a compass to go the way needed. 

The sign points the way...

...& we are off...

...on the autumn trail.

Nice view on the trail.
It was the first day of Muzzleloader Deer Season.

Kathleen taking a picture of a...

...Sharp-Lobed Hepatica.

Autumn colors.

Will with one stick.

Because of poor signage led to...

...a meeting of the minds...!

Leaving Tennessee.

While the blazes did correspond with the map on the Tennessee side, we did have that problem once we crossed into Alabama, because there were no blazes! The trail headed down and followed Hurricane Creek until we came to a junction with actual signs. One pointed up to the Alabama Trailhead & the other to our ultimate destination... the Walls of Jericho. 

The only sign on the Alabama side.

We did find Hurricane Creek.


It is a sign I tell you!

Heading over the bridge.

Heading on.

The fall colors were nice!

The spooky deer death tree.

Our crossing of "Coyote Bridge."

Before we headed there we had to set up camp for the night. One cool thing was our campsite was next to a cemetery... spooky! Then it was on to the Walls of Jericho. 

Our camp...

...& my tent.

Next to our campsite...

...the best tombstone.

This spectacular feature was a multi-layered waterfall with incredible cliff faces. At one spot the water came right of the cliff-face. The main waterfall, at the end of the canyon, that can be seen when Googled was dry. We actually called the basin it flowed into the "Pit of Despair" and it had what looked like a face in the rocks. The Walls of Jericho were a wonder. 

Headed to...

...the Walls of Jericho

...the first waterfall & pool...

...the next level with another waterfall...

...which fed by water coming out of the rock on 3rd level...

...the final level...

...the main waterfall (dry)...

...the face in the "Pit of Despair."

...the Wood Booger went into "the pit"...(DE)

...while everyone else was above.

The Walls were beautiful.

After a nice time at the falls, it was time for the Wood Booger to show his lack of dexterity as I boiled water for dinner and proceeded to pour it into my Good To-Go Thai Curry dinner, but instead spilled it on my leg instead (Pete will have something to say about this)...CALIENTE! I got cold water on it quick, which helped alleviate it hurting later when I put on the burn cream on. I would like to thank everyone who helped me after my accident. 

Same stove, different backpack.

Around the same time, a young woman named Amanda wondered into our camp as she had gotten turned around had no flashlight and asked if she could stay the night, a course we said yes. Has and Kathleen offered her food and water, while "Hike Leader" Denise offered to let her stay in her tent for the night. Margaret loaded he a shirt and Will some pants (as Amanda was wearing shorts) and his Crazy Creek Camp Chair. My contribution was a small fold up seat, my Crazy Creek Camp Chair (for a sleeping pad) and my sleeping bag liner. 

Amanda (WS).

After enjoying some conversation and our campfire, everyone headed to bed, but the Wood Booger. With the time change it was only 8:30 central time, so I took a walk and ended up[ at the bridge just below camp. As I enjoyed the sound I first heard a dog, not a little one that the couple at the falls we met had, but a hound. Right after a pack of coyotes just went off. I just sat and listened, because they were close, really close. I have to admit it was really cool, but when they finished I knew my campmates heard it too and might worry about me, so I headed back to camp before they sent out a search party. I didn't record it and no one else did, but I added a video from YouTube of what it sounded like. I heard the coyotes as I was turning in for the night and later in the morning when I woke for a few minutes. In the morning it dominated the conversation.

Our nice campfire...

It cloudy & dark when we heard coyotes (see the video for example).

Lights out.

After some help with boiling water for breakfast, we packed up for the trip out. I need to mention that there was a lot of trash and we know the Wood Booger couldn't leave it there, so I ended up carrying a bag of garbage out, with an assist from Hans. Also at the junction with the sign pointing to the Alabama Trailhead, Will gave me the keys to his SUV so one of us could complete the shuttle, as he likes to take his time taking pictures (which is how I prefer my hiking too). 

Next morning I cleaned the fire ring behind my tent...

...of trash.

Amanda preparing to hike out with us.

Will crosses the second bridge & gives me keys... I headed to the trailhead.

After telling "the Hike Leader" the plan I caught up with Hans and Kathleen I decided to hike out with her to the cars...big mistake, Kathleen hiked me into the dirt. Because of the pace, I don't know if this trail was really this hard, but it was like the Bataan Death March. Besides it is uphill the whole way, there was a spot (where I beat Amanda got turned around) that was not well marked and confusing. With all of this, I was dripping wet when I finally reached the Alabama Trailhead. 

While uphill it is pretty.

This area was confusing.

Surprisingly this trail was signed & blazed.

Thank God!

So, after freshening up we went and got Kathleen's car and waited for the rest of the crew. Once everyone made it we loaded up and headed back to KnoxVegas. It was a smooth trip back, but we did have an entertaining trip to Monteagle Mountain. 

Headed back...what great fall colors. (DE)

The area we were at in the distance.

Beautiful colors...

...made the drive back pleasant.

Covenant College on Lookout Mountain.

Overall, it was another great Will backpack and we made a new, win!


Photos by Will Skelton (WS)
Photos by Denise Edwards (DE)

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