Saturday, March 20, 2021

Astronomical Spring Begins By The Fire

It is the first day of astronomical spring and there aren't too many ways better to enjoy it than sitting out by the fire pit today.
Some years I might be hiking, but I am doing that Monday. This time last year it was all about COVID-19. I guess it still is, but not the same unknowns that clouded things last year. Plus the vaccines are being administered so there is light at the end of the tunnel. Anyway, I decided to take advantage of the fire and cook my dinner on it. That dinner would be a favorite... Shovel Lamb. I don't know if I have described before how it is made. In Australia, they use a shovel and put a piece of lamb on it and then on the fire. I don't have a clean shovel so I use a cast-iron skillet and season it with that excellent Sichuan peppercorn recipe I have (which I finish my roasted potatoes in after removing the lamb). It is really good! While tonight's was delicious I will admit to making it better back in December

Overall, it was a great dinner and a relaxing fire...what could be better!

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