Thursday, September 24, 2015

Three Days Off The Grid In Ft. Blackmore, Bear Rock & The Falls Of Little Stoney

Once again the reason I didn't like any of your Facebook post or answered any text is not because I ignored everybody, no I spent three days "off the grid" in Southwest Virginia. As I have said before when I go to the Cabin near Fort Blackmore I lose signal when I leave Gate City (I guess no one back in the mountains has AT&T). So on Tuesday I picked apples (man that tree was loaded), grilled and built me a fire. Oh, I had a few barley pops. Also, I heard some strange calls and I think a wood knock, could be another Woodbooger on the mountain. Wednesday was another full day. After eating breakfast and enjoying the morning on the front porch I went for a three-mile hike and found some Paw Paw's. When I got back I followed my Dad in his truck as he drove the tractor down to the old house to do some bushogging. Before that we cleared out some old furniture from the basement of the old place and hauled it to the dump in "Fort." We then headed over to the Front Porch Store & Deli. I had the fried catfish dinner and while good the french fries and onion rings had me OD on fried food  (oh the onion rings were very good). After cutting weeds we headed back up the "holler" and picked more apples and built another fire (and more beer). We didn't grill because we were still feeling it from lunch. Oh, I also didn't hear any activity like the night before. On our final day (today) we decided to head to a place in the Jefferson National Forest near Dungannon called Bear Rock. My Dad told me about this place but he couldn't remember where it was. Well, with the help of the Internet I found the location and we headed for it. After some time on Forest Service Roads we found the trailhead. It is a short hike out to an incredible ridgeline outcrop. It was as nice as my Dad described. Since we were close to them we decided to drive the short distance to the Falls of Little Stoney. Also referred to as Little Stoney Falls the first name is more apt since there is three waterfalls. The more popular one is the first as the nice trail work is a dead give away. It is just a short hike down some rock steps to view the 20-foot pour-over falls. Most people head back but we continued down the trail (which now looks more like a trail) a tenth of a mile to the Middle Falls. It is a scramble to the base for a look at this 10-foot beauty. After here we headed down over a quarter of a mile to the third, and in my opinion the best, of the three falls. This one is a 25 footer that steps down the rocks. You can view it from a deck or head down to the base. The last two waterfalls are viewed most time coming from the other direction as people hike the 2.5 miles from Hanging Rock (this is a future hike). Once done here we headed back to Tennessee, but it was an excellent three-day getaway.


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