Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Goodbye Social Media...For Now

I have thought of this for a while now, but I am taking a break from most social media, more specific Facebook and Twitter. I got a friend who did this and he seems happier. I had stopped updating pictures on Facebook because it had become too much extra work. So, I had started to pull back already.
However, the main factor was all of the vitriol I have had to read on Facebook and Twitter, not just over the past 12 months, but for eight years, I have just grown tired of having to wade through it.  Also, I am tired of having to hide posts from family and friends that hurt my heart (some of you I have known most of my life). Oh, let me just add before you think this is sour grapes, congratulations you won...happy now, well except your guy didn't get the most votes...welcome to the Banana Republic. But, you may not get the America you think you're going to get, but you might get the one you deserve. Like I said above I know what some will say is I am a sore loser and such...that is fine go ahead and say it I won't be on Facebook to read it anyway.
As I went over in my last blog post I believe in a world governed by science and reason (which means the world is warming, that evolution is real and the world is not 6,000 years old). I also think we should take care of one another and that a very, very small minority shouldn't live like Kings while the rest fight over what is left. Or you believe in some callous religion where the wealthy shall inherit the Earth and the meek should just die and reduce the surplus population (Yule is coming read a Christmas Carol). Or, a trip to the doctor to save your life doesn't leave bankrupt you or your family. Or your kids can go to college and not come out a corporate indentured servant. Or war should be the last resort, not the first and the best way to "honor the troops" is not having them die in pointless wars and take care of the veterans when they come back. Finally, this goes out to all my friends who I hike and seek comfort in the outdoors with, enjoy it while you can. Votes have real world consequences and the people who won last night what rid of the National Parks and Public Lands. So, what they don't cut down, mine or drill they will pay you to use, but they might be nice enough to leave trees on the side of the mountain facing the overlook...if you are lucky. Anyway, I digress I know something I post here will not change anyone's mind, so I am not really going to try. I guess what I need to do is start protecting what needs protecting whether it is my family, the environment or the less fortunate.
So, I am taking a break from Facebook and Twitter for now. I might put up the occasional picture on Instagram and I will not stop updating this blog on my adventures out. I still enjoy doing the blog, so I not going to punish myself because of what others did. I might not do as many in the short term, time will tell. I don't know if I will post links to Facebook or Twitter, I probably won't for now (except for this one), but you never know. You are more than welcome to sign up for this blog directly I could use some followers. Anyway, if anything I have said here has offended anyone then I am sorry because I try to live a life where I don't hurt people because I don't need to be religious to live a moral life. But if you are really offended...unlike me, I won't see it anyway.
In closing, if you want to contact me you can use messenger because it will come up as a face on my phone. Then there is through this blog I will get it in my email. Or you can email me at Or if you get the urge call me. Oh, the thing I will miss most is everyone's pictures, so if you have something I need to look at drop me a line and I will take a look. Most people who really want to contact me can. So, I turn social media over to makers...this taker is signing off!

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