When hiking, especially alone you have time to think. While hiking that Gov't Trail (Appalachian Trail) got me to thinking that today is the last day for President Barack Obama. While I didn't see eye-to-eye with him all the time I have a respect for him. Also, it was during his administration that I got back into hiking in 2013. I even hiked a section (back in November of 2013) of the
Mountains-to-Sea Trail that the Obamas hiked when in Asheville in 2010. This got me to thinking since I was hiking on the Gov't Trail (AT), in a Gov't National Forest (
Cherokee) and to a Gov't Dam (
Watauga) about the future when Donald Trump takes the office that he stole tomorrow.
On that hike in 2013. |
Today I hiked the Gov't Trail (AT)... |
...Gov't National Forest... |
...to Gov't Dam. |
I am not going to get into that (check out Greg Palast
reporting for that) no I just got to ask those out there who voted for Trump, but enjoy hiking and things like the National Parks and National Forest was it worth it? If or when his administration and the Republican Congress privatize or giveaway the
National Parks like the
Great Smoky Mountains or
Public Lands will your vote for Trump have been worth it? When you have to pay an entry fee to get into the Smokies was your vote for Trump worth it? When they allow drilling for oil or cutting timber in the National Forests you love to hike in was that vote for Trump worth it? When there putting gas pipelines through the
Appalachian Trail (AT) was your vote for Trump worth it? When Trump installs a man,
Scott Pruitt, to run the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who is opposed to what this government body does was your vote for Trump worth it? I don't get political very often on this blog, but that is about to change. I love the Smoky Mountains, I don't want to see clear cutting, mountaintop removal or gas towers when I am looking at a mountain vista.
I like to see vista like this at Charlies Bunion... |
...not Mountaintop Removal... |
...like seen from High Knob. |
Also, I love the AT and want to protect it. I think that Public Lands belong to "We the People" not billionaires and corporations who want to rape and pillage them. If you are like me and love these things and many others there are groups who share this same feeling like the
Sierra Club or the
Appalicahan Trail Conservancy (both which I am members of) just click on the links and learn more.
On Sierra Club outing. |
ATC tent at Damascus Trail Fest. |
There are plenty more groups that are committed to protecting our natural resources and public lands. Just use that Google machine or what every you use to search on the Internet in finding more information. In closing, I know I am all over the place but so what it is my blog. Oh, one more thing if you don't if like what I have said, just don't read my blog! Remember there are consequences to elections...
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