Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Happy 4th Of July Weekend

Well, it is Fourth of July weekend and that means it is what I call High Summer. Anyway, it has been a fun three days since the Fourth is on Monday this year. I actually started the holiday on Friday with a fire in the pit and test run with my camp percolator. 

Making coffee the old fashion way.

On Saturday I went to Roan Mountain for what is now an annual event, Glen's family's cookout, and fireworks. I have honored that Glen lets me tag along because the food is always good (especially the chicken) and help with the fireworks. On 

Loading up.

Name says it all!

Hump Mountain...

...can see some of the blog.

He is about to get it out.

Remember the UFO...

...here is what it is.

Here are...


...of the...


...we shot off.

Sunday, we started the day with a great breakfast of waffles courtesy of Terry and some of the homemade maple syrup my Dad and I made back in March. Terry's brother, Shawn, and sister-in-law, Susan were in for the weekend. So, later in the day we had a cookout with steaks, plenty of veggies from the garden it turned out well. 

Breakfast at the house.

On the Fourth proper, we had another great breakfast and then a more traditional cookout. We had hamburgers, but while Deb and Terry had beef, Dad and I had venison. We got done just in time as some storms rolled through. That meant we watched fireworks from Washington DC and New York City. With that said it was a good holiday after all.

Food on the grill.

Barley Pop.

Wood Booger on the grill

Finished product.

Fireworks on TV.

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