Monday, February 17, 2020

The Rain Relented & Winter Returned In Southwest Virginia

As Pete so eloquently pointed out we came over to the Cabin in Southwest Virginia this weekend. 
I did end up doing some hiking, not just Friday, but Saturday and Sunday. As reported in the blog, Friday was up to Pete's Knob.

Then Saturday it was up to Wood Booger Ridge then out to the other barn. It was a cold start as it was 19 degrees when we headed out. This means I found a lot of Hoar Frost, especially coming back from the other barn. It did start to warm up to around freezing when I finished.

Finally, on Sunday, I went on a short exploratory hike up Bear Hollow to an old road. I had seen it coming back down from Pete's Knob before. I think it will make a quicker (maybe easier) trip up to the Three Sisters.

It wasn't all fun, I had to empty the Maple sap buckets and I had close to five gallons worth. We also made sure the water was doing well and it was. Last, but not least all of the rain meant the road was washed out some. So, I did a little road work on Saturday and I piped a Spring a productive day...

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