Friday, February 7, 2020

Wow! 1,000 Blogs

Big Wow! There have been milestone blogs (like 100,000 Views), but this may be the 1,000th blog! 
When I started Tales from the Wood Booger in 2013 I never really thought about making it to 1,000 blogs. This milestone feels like a hockey player in their 1,000th game. It just seems like 2016 since I hit 500 blogs. It took 34 months to reach the first 500 and it took 36 to reach this milestone. I guess I am slowing with old age.
Over the six-plus years that it has taken me to get here means that I have averaged 143 per year. The year that has the most blogs is 2015. The average per month comes out to an average of 12.
Speaking of months, the one that has seen the most in October of 2014 with a total of 30 blogs. The month with the most blogs is February at 105, but the best average is March 15.6. So, in closing I am going to put up some of my favorite pictures and places from the 1,000 Blogs, there are plenty of others, but these come to mind. Anyway, enjoy...

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