Sunday, February 2, 2020

New Sap Opportunities In An Unusually Season

It wasn't all water and hiking at the Cabin but I did have a little time to tap some trees. The reason I say trees is that I just didn't tap a Sugar Maple, but I also did a Sycamore.
This is the first time that I have tapped trees at the Cabin. I picked the largest of the four maples out front. As soon as I drilled it, the pulp was wet and the sap started running out. Now when I tapped the Sycamore it was kind of dry. This is my second attempt at tapping them we will see how it goes.

The thing that this Sugar Maple got me thinking was how good this tree did as soon as I tapped it, much different than when I drilled the big trees in St. Clair. Frankly, the tap hole was dry and when I left Thursday morning (after tapping on Tuesday) versus the almost gallon I had overnight at the Cabin. So, when I got back to St. Clair... nothing! I read in my book How to Make Maple Syrup that you can cauterize the hole by accident when making it. So, when I got back to St. Clair I decided to re-drill, but this time I didn't reverse it which seem to work at the Cabin. To be continued...

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